Charles Schulz is very much conventional decent middle-America (with a side of deep bitter existential distress underlying his Peanuts cartoons). Yet, as I learned on a return visit to his museum, it turns out “Sparky” was a big supporter of Christo and Jean-Claude’s toweringly great “Running Fence”, the 1976 conceptual land artwork running across Sonoma and Marin counties and into the sea. Schulz made a delightful Peanuts cartoon about Christo’s work that ended with a wrapped Snoopy doghouse; Christo repaid the friendship by actually constructing it 😍! Read Schulz’s widow’s lovely blog post.

Running Fence gone but indelible

I never saw “Running Fence” in situ, but I was knocked out by the documentary by the Maysles about the process Christo and Jeanne-Claud went through to get it built and the incomparable results. I need to get the Maysles’ “5 Films About Christo and Jeanne-Claude”. Something so big, so evocative, so influential that’s gone forever is melancholic. It’s reminiscent of Rachel Whiteread’s “House”, another masterpice that vanished in weeks, leaving only pictures and a great documentary. So different from Richard Serra’s works that should last for centuries.
Peanuts forever
The museum was gratifyingly well-attended when I returned. Peanuts’ cultural impact will surely fade, but the evergreen Peanuts animated specials and Vince Guaraldi’s excellent music will keep it alive.
Earlier I wrote about a previous trip to the Charles M. Schulz museum, and the greatest comic strip ever.